
Drugheads' paradise

The letter below appeared in the Letter section of The Province newspaper on 4/20/2016....

‘Zombie apocalypse’ is here

"We are living through the zombie apocalypse with Vancouver’s drug problems.

We ignored the warnings when cocaine flooded into Vancouver during Expo 86 and when heroin was reintroduced in quantity after the handover of Hong Kong to China and the Triads moved in here.

We did try to prevent the spread of disease through the use of dirty needles, but did little to get people off drugs and into a productive life because it was too expensive.

The medical community is now increasingly saying there is really no point in trying to detox, treat and rehabilitate hard-drug users. The so-called Four Pillar approach fell over because we never committed to getting people off drugs and training them to live productive lives.

Street gangs fight openly over supplying drug users and bring in stronger and stronger drugs. A huge population of drug zombies now live in ghettos on the fringes of our cities. It is the zombie apocalypse of those B movies. Get used to it. " -- Gregory Middleton, Victoria

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